We have been teaching yoga classes in the west end of Glasgow since April 2008. We moved to our present Yoga Studio in October 2011 when we completed a full refurbishment. The yoga studio is modern, bright and clean with access to a rear walled garden. it has a secured entry system, large changing area, a kitchen and two toilets. All lighting is Eco-friendly. The windows are triple glazed which means heating is kept to a minimum.
Yoga is Sustainable and Kind to our Planet.

Yoga Studio
Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course which is fully accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals takes place at our beautiful Yoga Studio based in the heart of the West End of Glasgow. Within easy walking distance to Glasgow’s underground service and bus links. Making it as easy as possible for you to travel to our Yoga Teacher Training course.
Basement Studio. 4 Lansdowne Crescent, Glasgow. G20 6NQ.
We are a Sustainable Business
Our planet is our home and yoga shares an inseparable connection to nature. Within the precepts of yoga we are instructed not to harm anything, whether that be nature or another being, by our words, deeds or actions. We are instructed not to generate our income by hurting or exploiting our environment or another. Yoga for millennia has followed this path and in doing so has led many to live sustainably and in harmony with our planet and all others.
Yoga does not require any input of valuable resources, or any form of exploitation, be that the resources of our planet or the resources of another being. Yoga does not expend any resources or create an out put of goods or products from manufacturing – By its nature Yoga Loves our Planet and Environment.
What We use:
We use a little heat and some eco friendly lights and nothing else – The ancient art of Yoga by its nature is Sustainable and does not hurt our Beautiful Planet.
What You receive in return:
Yoga removes stress and tension from its practitioners, both from the body and mind – Happy people create a Happy environment upon our Beautiful Planet.
Paula & Pól – 21st December 2021